Four years ago, Petra embarked on a mission to develop a trenchless tunneling technology capable of boring through the hardest and most abrasive rocks. Our goal was to derisk underground projects and carve new utility tunnels through bedrock beneath existing infrastructure. For instance, a Seattle utility tunneling project faced a 4 ft deep hard rock boulder that cost $15M and 3.5 months to resolve. Our technology can bore through this type of rock in a fraction of the time (for example, we bore a 30-inch diameter tunnel 14 feet through hard abrasive granite in 4 hours).
This ability to bore through challenging geologies like hard rock enables us to expand our offerings in underground utility projects and makes undergrounding critical infrastructure in all communities more economical. However, hard rock isn't the only difficult geology. After spending years in R&D, we announced our rock-boring trenchless method in December 2021. Construction companies around the world quickly came out of the woodwork to share their "nightmare" experiences of unexpected geologies derailing their projects.
Construction companies encounter a variety of geologies, with hard rock being among the most challenging and expensive to bore through but certainly not the only geology that creates problems. Other geologies that bedevil underground utility line construction efforts include silty sands, waterlogged sand/soil, hard compact clay (caliche), cohesive clay, soils littered with cobblestones and boulders, “bay mud”, and tar. Current trenchless tools lack flexibility, causing problems when unanticipated geologies, especially these difficult ground conditions mentioned above, are encountered.
In early 2022, we decided to develop a method to bore through not only hard rock, but also other geologies. We recognized that the trenchless industry primarily produced narrow-purpose tools, which were often defined by their thrust force and torque capacities. These tools were tailored to specific use cases and lacked the flexibility to adapt to varying project requirements and could not excavate all geologies, especially difficult ones. There were no tools on the market that could offer variable thrust force, accommodate different diameters, and operate as hybrid-powered systems utilizing multiple energy sources.
This is a multi-billion dollar problem. Unanticipated geologies are the biggest risk in underground utility construction. When construction teams encounter geologies they didn’t anticipate, their machines often have to be rescued. Many times you can’t even access their machines underground and they just get left in the ground. Encountering unexpected geologies can lead to hundreds of millions of dollars in cost overruns on underground utility jobs.
We set out to remove the risk associated with encountering unexpected geologies. Instead of adding another “one-trick pony” to the market, we focused on creating an all-geology trenchless method, culminating in the Petra Platform™, our first commercial product. Petra's modular and flexible multi-tool derisks these projects, combining the capabilities of multiple conventional trenchless machines into one single platform. We swap in the appropriate module based on the geology and use case.
By incorporating variable thrust force capabilities, the ability to work with a range of diameters, and a hybrid power system that can draw from multiple energy sources, the Petra Platform™ stands out as a comprehensive and versatile solution in the trenchless industry. This innovative approach not only addresses the existing gaps in the market but also redefines the industry's expectations for what a trenchless tool can accomplish.
We've been testing a multi-tool system in LATAM for the past year, deploying earlier prototype versions of the Petra Platform™ on 28 crossing jobs and improving waterways in underserved communities. This past week, we released our Petra Platform™, and tested it in upstate NY in waterlogged clay. Our very cold crew swapped between our assisted dynamic boring and our auger boring module.
The platform features swappable modules for boring through all geologies at various diameters and is hybrid powered. Its modular design allows us to address 100% of the trenchless market and expand into new routes through previously impenetrable geologies, creating a new service category.
The Petra Platform™ boasts several firsts:
The Petra Platform is equipped with six innovative modules to address a variety of challenges:
By incorporating these six versatile modules, Petra's versatile platform meets the needs of diverse projects and adapts to changing geologies with a single machine, making it a game-changer in the trenchless industry. This innovation saves time and reduces costs.
Petra's mission is to simplify the undergrounding of critical infrastructure by boring through all geologies. As the first company to develop an all-geology trenchless method, we aim to lead the industry and provide a groundbreaking solution that will positively impact lives and communities. Stay connected with us and follow our progress as we roll out this revolutionary technology across the United States, transforming the landscape of underground construction.
To get in touch and learn more about the Petra Platform, reach out to us at